Homes, business, community benefit


A happy, healthy, culturally and economically vibrant central Doncaster.


Develop good quality homes, unique space for business and community use.

Enable the voices of local people to be heard, to influence and improve the work of others.

Co-operate with other services and enterprises meeting local needs.


The Trust is governed by a board of directors, all Doncaster residents and volunteers who do this work for no pay, just their commitment to local people.

The board employs a Chief Executive, who manages a team to run all aspects of the Trust: C-view, housing and other work.

World First

In 2020, with a loan from Key Fund, we built two new apartments, a world first domestic dwelling constructed in a new building system MassBespoke, devised by our architects Irena Bauman and Maurice Lyons.

Mass Bespoke Park Road Development time lapse

We also have 25 houses in neighbourhoods around central Doncaster, let to local people.

From 2 bedroom terraced homes, to 4 and 5 bedroom town houses. Some have solar thermal (heats hot water) and air-source heat pumps (space heating) all are well-insulated.

All of our homes are let via our agents:


The Trust grew out of a scheme to improve the lives of people living in communities surrounding Doncaster's town centre.

Residents were involved at every level, from staff and volunteers delivering health, employment, education and crime prevention; to being on the board that ran the whole programme.

In 2008, DCT was set up as a CIC - Community Interest Company, to carry the spirit of this on, but without any of the funds.  The challenge was to develop a social enterprise that made money from its activities. 

Over the following ten years the Trust became a thriving, profitable company, receiving no grants or other subsidy.

Doncaster Central Development Trust CIC (DCT), Registered office:  C-view, Church View, Doncaster, DN1 1AF - Company no.:  6488576